Total Refusal
Gerilya media pseudo-marxis Total Refusal merupakan kolektif seniman, peneliti, dan pembuat film yang mendaur ulang sumber daya dari gim video arus utama untuk menciptakan narasi politik di dalam bentuk video, intervensi, pertunjukan, dan kuliah. Karya mereka telah diputar di lebih dari 250 festival film dan seni, serta dipamerkan di berbagai tempat. Sejak didirikan pada 2018, Total Refusal telah mendapatkan lebih dari 50 penghargaan, baik sebagai pemenang maupun juara harapan.
The pseudo-marxist media guerilla Total Refusal is a collective of artists, researchers, and filmmakers who upcycle the resources of mainstream video games to create political narratives in the form of videos, interventions, performances, and lectures. Their work has been screened at over 250 film and art festivals and exhibited at various spaces. Since their foundation in 2018, Total Refusal have been awarded with more than 50 prizes and honorary mentions.